Specula e.V.

A Ray of Hope

News at Specula for 2020

Servus, Hallo, Hello, Hola, Saludos

Recently it has been rather quiet around our team.

What happened?
Zum einen hatten wir Schwierigkeiten mit unserer Homepage specula-ev.de und unserem Email-Server, was die allgemeine Kommunikation und Aktualisierungen natürlich sehr erschwerte. Diese Probleme haben wir aber erfolgreich behoben. Somit gibt es nun wieder regelmäßige Updates rund um den Specula e.V. und über Projekte und Berichte unserer ehemaligen Schützlingen, die dank eurer Hilfe ein selbststänges Leben führen.

Zum anderen musste der Specula e.V. dieses Jahr eine sehr schwierige Entscheidung treffen: Ein junges Mädchen bat uns, sie bei ihrer Ausbildung zu unterstützen, um ihr die Möglichkeit zu geben ihre Familiensituation zu verbessern. Leider verschlechterten sich die Umstände in einem Maße, dass sich eine nachhaltige Hilfe nach unserer Leitlinie „Menschen helfen, sich selbst zu helfen“ nicht mehr gewährleisten lies. Die Bitte eines Hilfesuchenden ablehnen zu müssen, weil es unsere Möglichkeiten übersteigt, ist alles andere als einfach. Das Specula-Team gibt wirklich immer sein Bestes, um mit kleinen Beiträgen ein Ziel zu erreichen: Für Menschen eine Basis zu schaffen, die es ihnen und ihren Familien ermöglicht, unabhängig von anhaltenden Spenden, ein anständiges und lebenswertes Leben zu führen. Und wenn nicht durch finanzielle Unterstützung, dann bemühen wir uns um unentgeldliche Lösungen, oder helfen, einen Paten zu finden.

First, we had technical issues with the Specula e.V homepage and email servers, which affected the release of updates and affected our communication, but we managed to solve these problems. This means, now we will be able to provide regular reports and updates about our projects and protégés who thanks to your collaborations, are able now to live a more independent life. 

On top of that, Specula had to make a difficult decision this year: a young lady came to us asking for support for her education so she could help the current situation in which her family finds itself today. Sadly, the situation deteriorated to the extent that a continuous support under our slogan “helping people to support themselves” could not be guaranteed anymore. To deny support to someone in need because it exceeds our capacity for support is not an easy decision to make. Specula’s team always gives its best to be able to achieve our goal with small contributions: Allow the person to achieve a basis so that the person and its family are able to carry on with their lives in a sustainable way without being dependent on external support. If it is not through economical support, we help with trough non-economic support or in the search of a “godfather” who can continue sponsoring a longer-term engagement.

Next steps

We would like to end the year with two new calls for your support and use this momentum for a great start into 2020! Please see our current projects:

David Chavez Trujillo

Surgery for Byron Polo Lopez

As expected, we have a lot coming up ahead of us. We currently are engaged in talks with a very promising project in Africa. Also, next year, we will launch Specula e.V.‘s own Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

Since Specula e.V. foundation almost 6 years ago, and thanks to the generous support of our contributors we have been able to directly help five persons and families to be able to aspire to a better future. From a certified associates degree sponsorship, start-up capital for the small bakery “Backofen” to medical exams to guarantee the correct and continuous prescription for an illness, all that, we have achieved. We did not just directly help these people, but also their families received relief from their situation, which will allow them to have better lives overall.

Many thanks for the confidence placed on us, which thanks to the contributions received we were able to have a direct positive impact in the lives of the ones in need.

Frohe Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad and Merry Christmas to you and your families wishes you the board of Specula e.V.